one small catholic cross under dress
red dress and red shoes
tattoo of two hearts with arrow, above the
right knee, names Roy on right side, and
Bonnie on the left side
shot in left breast, going into chest
shot 4" below ear
another shot, entering above the right knee
two shots front leg
two shots right leg
gunshot wound around edge of hair, 1 1/2"
above the left ear
another through the mouth on left side,
exiting at top of jaw
another at middle, just below left jaw
another above clavicle, left side, going
into the neck
another entering chest 2" below the inner
side of left shoulder
two shots about 2" below left shoulder,
fracturing the bone
another wound on elbow of left arm
another entering left chest above the
heart, breaking ribs
six shots entering 3" on back region
left side
five pellet wounds about the middle of
left side
cuts from glass on the left ankle
cut on top of left foot, apparently from
cut on center of right thigh
cut 6" in length, about 3 1/2" center of
right leg
eight metal fragments centering across
the front of face
exit wounds 6" on the inner side of
right leg
flesh wound underside of right knee
bullet wound right leg about middle of
outer right knee
wound on center of ankle about 2" above
back of foot
gunshot wound to bone of first finger
another to the middle finger
gunshot wound entering fleshy portion of
left thigh
eight bullet wounds striking almost in
parallel line on left side
three parallel lines of bullets striking
right side of back from base of neck to
angular right capular to middle of back
bone, one striking midway of back,
breaking backbone
note: Although not in the coroner's report,
it was rumored at the time, that Bonnie was
two and a half months pregnant when killed.