The Investigation
An initial investigative report more than 200 pages long, which detailed evidence collected & trained observations noted prior to forensic testing,
was compiled in 2006. The forensic handwriting analysis and material science testing which followed in late 2006 & early 2007...was detailed in
reports authored by noted Certified Document Examiner Emily J. Will and Joseph G. Barabe, Senior Microsopist of The McCrone Associates.
This investigative summary contains key aspects from the inquiry.
The Bonnie & Clyde Signatures, their images, reports, investigation,
documentation and presentations are © 2006 thru 2008 by A. Winston Woodward
w/all rights reserved. U.S. LOC Reg. TXu1324-861
“Thank you”
At the suggestion of many, Winston is completing work on a book documenting The Bonnie & Clyde Signatures & their fascinating investigation.
The updated record, including the forensics and “new” knowledge learned within this continuing inquiry, will be contained within “Hard Evidence -
The Bonnie & Clyde Signatures; An Historical Search for the Truth" - scheduled for release in 2008.
Aspects of the signatures helpful to know upon their public release
~Provenance in the words of Michael Still~
Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow Signatures
I purchased this item at First Monday Trade Days in Canton, Texas. I purchased these autographs from a woman who told me she got them from a Mr. Winston
Brice from the Oakcliff area of Dallas. Mr. Brice had inherited the signatures from his father, who got them at Henry Barrow's gas station in Oakcliff when
he ran into Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker there in the early 1930's. The story was relayed to me that Mr. Brice's father had fallen upon hard times. Clyde
Barrow gave his father $15 there at the gas station and that is when he asked Bonnie and Clyde for the autographs.
Note: $15 in 1934 would equal approximately $300 in present value...allowing for inflation.
Burden of Proof
The likelihood & verification of the signatures’ provenance
The forensic handwriting analysis and material science testing of the signatures and artifact,
and... The verification of unique circumstantial evidence which precludes forgery

Genealogical Searches
Genealogical searches have been conducted within the Texas State Library Genealogical
archives among other sources, attempting to discover the identity of the Brice family
from the signature’s provenance. We are currently looking into the recently discovered
possibility that the Brices in question, may have been related to the Barrows.
We have found a living Brice family member who claims his family’s link to Barrow
lineage. So far, we’ve been able to document this individual’s father & grandfather
living on Nealy Street in Oak Cliff, listed within the 1932 Dallas City Directory.
There will be more to come on this important ongoing search. Should Bonnie and Clyde
have helped a known relative in Mr. Brice, it could help to explain their support...and
willingness to sign their signatures for him.
Key Questions and Supporting Facts
What is the likelihood of Bonnie and Clyde being at the Barrow filling station & residence, during their 17 month period on the run??
Bonnie and Clyde experts “unanimously” agree, Bonnie and Clyde could have been present at the Barrow filling station and home, at numerous times
during their reign of terror. Recorded Family accounts also support this opinion.
Marie Barrow stated within a History Channel interview in 1996, that the families held nearly a dozen clandestine meetings with Bonnie and Clyde while they
were sought. Although these secret rendezvous were reportedly held at various locations, they were sometimes thought held at or near The Devil‘s Back
Porch...a known short cut out of Dallas, located just 2 miles from the Barrow station and residence. “Boots” Hinton has also related stories told by his
father, of Ted trying to catch Clyde while visiting the house. L. C. Barrow’s obituary makes added reference to these accounts of Clyde being able to avoid
capture while visiting the Barrow station and home. This insightful news clipping, details reports of a get together believed held between L. C. & his
brother Clyde, for an entire weekend at the Barrow home...“right under the nose of the law”.

Barrow filling station & residence circa 1930’s. We believe this image true to the time of Bonnie and Clyde,
with the cars being period...and Marie having identified her shoes in the right window. Why would Bonnie
and Clyde have been so generous as to help Mr. Brice and then oblige him with their signatures??
Bonnie & Clyde’s politeness & generosity were well known. They were often said to have provided assistance to others purely out of goodness...such as the
Ruston caper. However Clyde’s also known to have used money, to buy the silence of those who would protect them. Clyde’s giving Mr. Brice $15 (about $300
today), is consistent with his known actions of helping others...and of throwing his money around. Also as mentioned, it’s been discovered, the Mr. Brice
from the signature’s provenance, may have been known to Clyde.
What type of paper are the signatures of Bonnie and Clyde written upon, and what
importance does it’s identification make to the signatures’ provenance??
Six vintage calculating machine experts including noted authorities Peggy Aldrich Kidwell and Thomas A. Russo, were consulted to identify the “unique”
paper on which The Bonnie & Clyde Signatures are signed. Mr. Russo has identified the paper as likely an example of “ruled” cash register or adding
machine tape...thought period to the 1930’s. Ruled paper rolls of this type, were found to have been manufactured as far back as 1912, for Comptometers &
various types of calculating devices...in differing widths, including this tape’s 2 and 3/4 inch dimension.
The three boldly imprinted lines visible on what is thought to be the “working” side of the tape, have been of keen interest to all experts who have
viewed it. The signatures are thus signed on the reverse of the antique paper tape. It‘s felt the 2 & 3/4 inch wide paper could have been used in a variety
of calculating devices in use during the early 1930’s...including adding machines
with expandable paper carriers or a Combination Register, which Mr. Russo feels would most likely be found in a Depression Era gas station.
The artifact’s paper lends credence to the signatures origin as stated within their provenance, since some type of cash register or calculating machine
would’ve almost certainly been present at the Barrow station, to conduct business.
The paper being “torn” at both ends, may also be a clue to its’ age, as it could indicate the tape being torn from an older machine (pre 1930‘s),
which may not have possessed a serrated tear off tool.
Bonnie & Clyde Signatures’ paper (reverse)

Even though carbon dating of the artifact was ruled out, since this process would have caused destruction to much of the 7 by
2 & 3/4 inch document...alternative forensic tests, revealed the paper to have originated prior to 1950. This sample of “ruled”
register tape appears “so” rare, neither The Smithsonian Institution nor Museum of Business History & Technology...which house
two of the largest collections of antique business machines and peripherals in the world, have like samples of this olden paper.

Clyde Barrow‘s signature is known to be “quite” rare. Even having unearthed an additional and little known Clyde Barrow signature found on a rare
fingerprint card thought lost for years, we believe there to be as few as 7 authentic Clyde Barrow signatures known...which can be counted on to be authentic.
Next to family held artifacts, law enforcement records with Clyde’s signature...are thought to provide the most reliable examples.
The Clyde Barrow signatures believed authentic are included within
> Clyde’s Nov 12th, 1931 letter from Eastham Prison sent to Mother and all..
> Clyde’s Nov 18th, 1931 letter from Eastham Prison also sent to Cumie Barrow..
> Clyde’s 1928 Fort Worth fingerprint card (#4316)..
> Clyde’s 1930 Middletown Ohio fingerprint card..
> Clyde’s undated letter sent to Judge Winter King in support of Frank Hardy..
> Clyde’s U.S. Dept. of Justice IACP compilation No 1211
with signature likely taken from an early Dallas arrest record..
> Clyde’s script within the dual Bonnie and Clyde Signatures