Material Science Meets History
The Analysis of Joseph G. Barabe

The McCrone Associates Microscopy
During her analysis, Emily Will suggested enhancing the material science scrutiny of The Bonnie & Clyde Signatures, by calling upon the respected talents
of Joseph G. Barabe, Senior Research Microscopist of the world renown McCrone Associates. Located in the Chicago suburb of Westmont Illinois, The McCrone
Assoc. is internationally recognized as a leader in the fields of microscopy and microanalysis, as well as materials characterization & the solving of tough
materials problems. McCrone’s talented staff & cutting edge laboratory, has been chosen to conduct analyses for some of the most challenging historical
investigations ever attempted including their scrutiny...of the legendary and controversial Shroud of Turin.
McCrone Senior Microscopist and Director of Scientific Imaging Joseph G. Barabe specializes in the analysis and authentication of art objects and historical
& archeological well as forensic document examinations, which include forged & altered documents, paper, ink and altered image studies. In
being the expert chosen to restore and conserve the historic Abraham Zapruder film of President Kennedy’s assassination and recently having analyzed the
ancient inks leading to authentication of the Lost Gospel of Judas...Joseph G. Barabe seemed the perfect choice to lend his talents to these “challenging” Bonnie & Clyde scripts.
On December 11th, 2006 Winston Woodward delivered The Bonnie & Clyde Signatures to Joseph G. Barabe for his analysis.
Mr. Barabe prepared an 11 page report for Emily J. Will CDE.. in which he detailed his findings.