The adorable model below is the granddaughter of muddboss C. Flynn
John and Jenny Hartman of Smithers British Columbia pose beside their cool Barrow Gang lookalike car
Hideout friends John Hartman, his lovely wife Jenny and their dog Charly pose with their snazzy 1932 Ford.
Charly seems to be fascinated with the prop rifle and the replica of the famous Bonnie and Clyde license plate.
The Hartmans participate in the local car shows and parades around their home in Canada and it's always been a
Bonnie and Clyde theme - and the kids get a real thrill out of seeing the gangster car traveling through their town.
England's own Laurie Booth and his then girlfriend Wendy Bull re-enacted a shootout back in 1967.
After watching the Bonnie and Clyde movie, Laurie bought this 1932 Austin 7, the nearest he could get
to a Bonnie & Clyde type car. Odd coincidence the ending license number is 659 and Barrow's was 956!

Good ol' Hideout friends Billy Ferguson and P.J. did a splended job of re-creating the Barrow snapshots at the rocky outcropping.
The location for the rocky outcropping, in this instance, is Bluff City, Tennessee.
Hideout Fun Fotos Here!